Agent Agreements and Compensation Structure

To align with Covered California’s agency-contracting structure and agency portal, all Covered California Certified Insurance Agents must sign one of the following new agreements: the agency agreement or the non-monetary agreement.

  • The Agency Agreement (PDF) is to be completed by the authorized signer for the agency or the agency manager who will be responsible for all business submitted to Covered California and the management of all agents using that agency’s tax ID. Current independent agents are required to sign an agency agreement because they will now be identified as an agency of one.
  • The Non-Monetary Agreement (PDF) is to be completed by agents who are employed by agencies in order to associate them with that agency, and to ensure the agent meets his or her contractual obligations with Covered California. No information will be collected for commission-payment purposes.
  • The Agent Commission Structure (PDF) outlines the commission-payment source for individual enrollments and Covered California for Small Business enrollments.
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