Domestic Abuse or Spousal Abandonment

Survivors of domestic abuse or spousal abandonment qualify for special enrollment. Keep in mind the following details when applying for coverage through Covered California.   

For New Consumers
  • Marital Status: Applicants who select “married” are required to enter spousal information on their enrollment applications. To avoid the requirement to enter spousal information, you are allowed to enter “single” as your marital status on your Covered California application, despite being married.
  • Tax Filing Status:  If you claim a dependent child (natural child, stepchild, or foster child) on your tax returns, enter “head of household” as your tax filing status on your Covered California application.  If you do not claim dependents, enter “single.” 
    • Do not enter “married filing jointly” or “married filing separately.”
  • Do not enter your spouse’s income.
  • If you apply for coverage and receive federal tax credit and/or state premium assistance to lower the cost of your health plan, you will be required to complete IRS Form 8962 and/or FTB Form 3849 when you file your federal and state tax returns.  At tax time, if you are still married, check the first box on IRS Form 8962 and FTB Form 3849 to get the exception for domestic abuse survivors from having to file jointly. This allows you to file your federal and state tax returns as “married filing separately” and ensures you qualify for federal tax credit and/or state premium assistance for health coverage at tax time.
For Consumers with Current Medi-Cal Coverage

If you, your children, or other members of your household currently have Medi-Cal coverage and you would like to discuss removing a partner from your case or coverage, please contact your county Medi-Cal office.

For Current Covered California Consumers

To remove a partner or dependent from an existing case, or to establish separate coverage, please contact the Service Center for assistance at (800) 300-1506. 

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